This is an arrangement between you and your creditors. It is legally binding and stops creditors taking action against you for their debt, puts them to one side and classes them as IVA creditors.
Many people are suffering financially at the moment across the UK and other countries. We're here to help.
Lots of sole-trader businesses have been hit hard by the recession and are struggling through but have a weight of debt hanging around their necks.
People have found it hard to get another job after losing theirs and have used credit for day to day living expenses.
And there are some people who have just taken on too much credit, used credit to pay credit, taken out payday loans with extortionate interest rates and ended up in a vicious spiral of debt.
Whatever the reason is, we can help you get your life back on track by providing you with good solid advice so you can sort out your finances (we will help) and move ahead with confidence.
Some sole traders businesses have been hit really hard, such as pubs and shops. We specialise in helping to these businesses – as we don’t like seeing empty shops and pubs and will do our upmost to keep these running.
The signs that you should act on are:-
- Threats from H M Revenue and Customs
- Threats from the landlord
- Bailiffs knocking at your door
- Legal actions commenced by other creditors
- Suppliers putting sole trader businesses on stop
There are a number of solutions that are available, and we will advise on the most appropriate one for you.
We also offer useful material that can help you understand your current situation:
Sometimes it is better for you just to call it a day and declare yourself bankrupt. Before you do this, you will need to take advice to ensure that this is appropriate and explore all options first.
Personal Debt Solutions
There are many debt solutions available to you and the most appropriate will depend on your situation. Read more to see alternative debt solutions and their advantages and disadvantages.